When Life Gives a Gift, Don't Give it Back.

Photo: The Gift of a New Day    www.RobertDaCostaVisions.com

When Life Gives a Gift, Don't Give It Back.

Lisa Puzo Strickland
Edited January 23, 2018

Sometimes, the most unexpected, ridiculously-awesome thing happens to us. A gift from the Universe, straight out of the blue. It could be a new friend, an informative associate, a lottery win, a job offer, or perhaps an enlightened clarity of things to come. Gifts come in many forms.

And when good stuff drops in our lap, we need only say Thank you! and let it happen.

There's no need to question if we deserve this gift. That would be like giving it back before you untie the ribbon and open the box.

Too often we put up our own road blocks of fear, doubt, anger, or distrust, and in doing so, we prevent the elegant flow of Life from sweeping us up into its stream of abundance and possibility.

If you are blocking your own fortune, stop it. No more road blocks. It's time to shift your thinking. Open your arms, open your heart, and wrap your whole being around this beautiful blessing.

Do you think the Universe, in all of its infinite wisdom, would waste even a precious second on you if all that is good was not meant to be yours?

But the Universe choose you, for this particular happening, at this exact time, in this precise point in space, for a very special reason.

Because it's you who needs and deserves this gift, right now, at this moment. To rise you to your new occasion - and ultimately help others do the same.

..when good stuff drops in our lap, we need only say
Thank you! and let it happen.

It's our responsibility to welcome and appreciate all the good that comes our way. It's our job as humans to allow these currents of aweseomness to continue their flow throughout our world, throughout our collective consciousness. Let's not be the barrier that stops that global flow.

For good washes away not-good. And good creates more good.

So, accept your surprise happening. Revel in its power. Basque in the joy Life gives you.

Say thank you. And let it happen.


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