They Came Quietly.
Photo credit: Unknown (Google)
They Came Quietly.
June 20, 2018
By Lisa Puzo Strickland
They came so quietly that we didn’t even notice for days, maybe even weeks. The US Air Force, Chinese Army, Russian intelligence, no one knew they were here because their advanced technology allowed them to hide in our skies in plain sight. We later heard it was called cloaking.
And, then, with a sonic-like blare that shook the entire Earth and sent all living things across every continent clamoring for safety, they made their presence known. Some called it an invasion. Some called it Gabriel’s trumpet. Some were too scared to comment. Either way, nothing would ever be the same again.
Those that disappeared after the sound were returned shortly sans-disease and graced with a knowledge that was in fact ancient, but new to us. Within hours, the whole of mankind realized its weakness against such a galactic display of force, an immense power that no doubt had existed for millions of years before we had even yet crawled out of the sea.
We laid down our weapons, lifted our chins, and opened our eyes. No words needed to be spoken. For communication came as quickly and quietly as they did. Telepathic and intuitive abilities burst awake within us as we suddenly shuddered at the thought we had spent thousands of years bringing harm upon each other and to our planet.
This was our day of reckoning. The gift of a reset. Our last chance for survival.
These years that have followed have been peaceful. Guns and military equipment have been melted down and the metals used for more purposeful uses. Nuclear bombs are now non-existent. Two years ago and under their guidance, geo-political systems united into one successful alliance.
While much of the 1% have retained their wealth, charity dollars are more generously given now than ever before. Mindsets have changed and hearts have softened. Poverty and starvation are no longer issues, anywhere. Fossil fuels are left in the Earth where they belong. Ocean oil rigs have been repurposed as trash-ridding vessels and research facilities. Mass transportation is beautifully designed to accommodate all. Energy and water flow freely, homes are happy, kindness is the norm, and the tone is peaceful. Our future is bright.
Whatever they were and from wherever they came, we continue today to coexist, and for that we are grateful. It is unsure if they had come before, but the majority of scientists, archaeologists, and various historians believe they had. Overnight, we recognized how small we are amidst an infinite number of universes, yet in possession of such power and beauty, rare commodities to embrace and appreciate.
We have triumphantly moved forward, leaving behind the old ways that brought sadness and discord. Empathy and clarity lead our decisions now and enrich our lives.
That day, that began so frighteningly, pushed us into a new age, one which we as a species had always yearned for, but lacked the collaborative determination to reach.
They came quietly, but they left behind a bolder, better world. May that trumpet continue to blare.