3 Reasons Why You Are Intuitively Smarter Than Your Coworkers

3 Reasons Why You Are Intuitively Smarter Than Your Coworkers

Lisa Puzo Strickland

Has someone ever said to you, "Wow! You've got a gift for this!" or "You're insight is amazing!"? Have you ever wondered why you were able to come to a conclusion much faster than your coworkers, and more quickly foresee a potential issue down the road?  If so, congratulations, you are Intuitively Intelligent. You innately know that intuition helps find the missing piece that completes the picture, often leaving others scratching their heads. 

Here are 3 reasons why you may find your Intuition to be stronger than your peers: (And if the mood suits you, maybe you'll share your secret!)  

You’re connected to the real world web.  

To you, every person and every belief is connected to and affected by one another in a weblike fashion. Your network-style thinking comes naturally and is supported by the very premise of quantum physics that purports that all individual pieces work as one large whole.

In meetings and on conference calls, you have the ability to listen to the entire conversation ut totum and not just as a myriad of individual comments, therefore, hearing the discussion as one connected (or quantum) voice rather than several fragmented views.

You consider your opinions and those of your peers to be of equal value. And, it inspires you that every thought and action possesses both independent and interdependent qualities, or what’s done/said in the here/now will create a corresponding change sometime in the future. Your telescopic mindset widens your peripheral vision while strengthening your intuitive foresight. You appreciate being an integral part of a big machine composed of an infinitesimal amount of working pieces.  

Your gut is invited to every meeting.

Like Steve Jobs and Albert Einstein, you admire your instincts and never dismiss them.  A hunch is considered as informative and important as a fact. Although you may not vocally express your inner wisdom, you trust its guidance and make it a part of everyday life.

Life to you is a collection of choices made from solid facts coupled with inner insight. Therefore, you process your contemplations through an intuitive funnel before taking any action. The plaque above your desk may reflect the words of Lao Tzu, “He who knows himself is enlightened”. You know your light and are not afraid to let it shine. 

You give your left brain a coffee break.

Intuition resides on the right side of the brain, or the creative side, whereas analytical thinking and problem-solving is on the left. You give your left hemisphere an occasional break so your intuition can be more clearly heard.

When issues need remedying, you may left-like pile up facts and figures in an attempt to fix the problem, but you never exclude your righty’s insight. So, you often step out of the conference room and into a mindless activity such as pouring coffee or browsing Facebook, all to help unhinge your left brain’s action-oriented anchor and let your intuition float freely to the surface. Solutions quickly become apparent to you while you're walking through the company garden, and you find yourself appreciating the value of both sides of your gray matter. 

Lisa Puzo Strickland


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