The 4 Levels of Intuitive Living!
The 4 Levels of Intuitive Living!
Lisa Puzo Strickland
We live life on one of four levels: Dive, Survive, Thrive, or the level to strive for, Alive. Not only is life experienced differently at each level, but how we value our intuition differs at each of the corresponding levels as well.
We reside primarily on one level at a time, but can slip into other levels depending on the day or phase of life. For instance, we may be at the Alive level one day, but then suffer a job or relationship loss and find ourselves falling back into Survival mode.
Levels can also be aspect-sensitive, such as when one Thrives in his or her love life, but is Diving professionally.
An overall shift in levels happens when we reach a conscious or intuitive sense of either completion or frustration with our present level combined with the belief that a different level would reap greater rewards or contentment.
We reside primarily on one level at a time, but can slip into other levels depending on the day or phase of life. For instance, we may be at the Alive level one day, but then suffer a job or relationship loss and find ourselves falling back into Survival mode.
Levels can also be aspect-sensitive, such as when one Thrives in his or her love life, but is Diving professionally.
An overall shift in levels happens when we reach a conscious or intuitive sense of either completion or frustration with our present level combined with the belief that a different level would reap greater rewards or contentment.
Keep in mind that every level is good because it reflects our current state. It is a compass point composed of our past experiences and our present state of mind. Therefore, a level is either a goal attained, a comfort zone, or a launching pad, depending on the outlook and overall satisfaction with that level.
The 4 Levels of Intuitive Living have nothing to do with education, income, brawn or beauty, but rather how we choose to progress through our earthly existence.
The 4 Levels of Intuitive Living have nothing to do with education, income, brawn or beauty, but rather how we choose to progress through our earthly existence.
The Dive Level
A person living at The Dive Level feels as if they, despite hard work and constant treading, never get their head above water. A sense of desperation runs through their veins, whether it’s warranted or not. They may or may not have all the money in the world, yet still swim through their days looking for sticks to grab. The smallest of waves can be overwhelming, easily setting them off course and into negativity. Divers tend to consider intuition to be non-essential, but will instead use anything in their immediate wake, such as a shiny new job or a dominant opinion, as their guidepost. Although Divers exert the most effort of the 4 levels, they can find true happiness and direction when they learn to stop and smell the roses and appreciate their inner wisdom.
The Survive Level
Survivors are doing just that, surviving. They live life a little less scathed than the Divers because they have learned to rely more on intellect than on mere effort alone. The person living at the Survive Level can be comfortable, but is not entirely satiated. He or she is inquisitive about their inner voice, yet they only attempt to tap in when fear or need is present. Although a Survivor may not always feel like they are getting ahead, they are coaxed onward by the occasional sense of satisfaction and belonging. It would serve a Survivor well to remember to value community rather than trying to do everything on their own.
The Thrive Level
Those that Thrive in life accomplish and experience more than a Diver or Survivor. This group is more focused on achieving reward than on any discomfort incurred while working towards that reward. To prevent any spinning wheels, a Thriver develops a well-conceived plan that will fuel him or her to keep peddling forward, gaining ground and insight along the way. Thrivers easily spot tools in their surroundings, such as people or opportunities, and will take the time to learn from them. Intuitive intelligence, both acknowledged and appreciated at this level, is included in the Thriver’s daily decision making whether or not they realize it. The Thrive Level is usually a happy place whose residents live glass half full.
The Alive Level
People who are fully Alive use every available faculty to its highest potential. They enjoy being active, honor nature, challenge their minds, and are empathetic towards others. Aliver's view life without judgment and can respect another’s actions and thoughts to which they themselves may not relate. The Alive person can conceptualize mass connectedness and infinite possibility. They feel energized, organized, content and complete. Gut instinct is as dominant at the Alive Level as is any other physical, mental and emotional ability. Every waking moment is considered precious and lived to the fullest at this level of living.
Now that you are familiar with each of the 4 Levels of Intuitive Living, ask yourself where you are now and if this is where you wish to remain.
Remember, no level or answer is bad. This quick snapshot is merely meant to define how we're currently doing and spur us forward if we're so inclined.