3 Ways to Tap into Your Intuitive Intelligence

3 Ways to Tap into Your Intuitive Intelligence Lisa Puzo Strickland Gut instincts, flashing visions, or prophetic dreams can be a bit offsetting. And when these precognitions later prove true, we can be left feeling shocked, scared, but most often, exhilarated. This is our intuition, or sixth sense, revealing itself to help us navigate life and make good choices. For most, intuitive wisdom comes when we least expect it - out of the blue. But what many don't realize is that we are all capable of tapping into this ethereal intel any time we need sage advice. We just have to know how to ask for it. Here are 3 powerful ways to ask for intuitive guidance and receive applicable knowledge in return. One... Use the (Positive) Force The Universe acts a lot like a search engine. It identifies with the words we speak and delivers related content. The world of energy works much the same in that 'like attracts like'....