Conjure It Up!

Conjure It Up! A Non-Witch's Guide to Magical Manifestation! By Lisa Puzo Strickland We all have magic within us. We’re made of star stuff, after all. That same power that allows the sun to hang stationary in the sky and our hearts to rhythmically beat resides inside every human being. This power is part of our essence and we can use it for good. To heal the past, beautify the present, and magnificently alter what is yet to come. Fate is not set in stone. In fact, fate hopes we'll help it along by giving it hints as to what we hope will happen. This is where conjuring comes in, the act of forming an objective and then setting it in motion . Or, handing fate our request and using all of our own faculties to support the endeavor. Yes, it's possible. We can create our future, and our wishes can come true. We need only embrace a few universal truths. 1. Do no harm. Let’s embrace the sunshine and leave ...