Time to Jolt! 8 Full Proof Ways to Get & Stay Motivated

By Lisa Puzo Strickland August 2018 Motivation is the tipping point to our every day. Its presence gets us up in the morning and pushes us through the many hours ahead. If we’ve got a good dose of it, we can perform miracles. If not, well, that can be a problem. The silent force of motivation either permeates or lacks within every corporate culture. It can make or break a company, therefore, leaders strive to find ways to create and safeguard this precious resource. When there’s not enough of motivation to go around, it's time to muster some up. Corbett Barr If you Google the words ‘how to get motivated’, one of the first articles to pop up is by Corbett Barr, a blogger and writer who is also Cofounder/CEO of fizzle.co . Barr titled his article “Need Some Motivation Right Now? Read This IMMEDIATELY”, so, with coffee in hand, I dug in. Below, I’ve broadly pulled out 8 of Barr’s key points, sans his frequent-albeit-motivating profanity, and me...