LiberATE: How to Intuitively and Verbally Break Bad Food Habits

LiberATE: How to Intuitively and Verbally Break Bad Food Habits By Lisa Puzo Strickland Why does an internal struggle ensue every time we pick up a cookie! Our taste buds crave the taste and our emotions want the happy high, yet our brain screams “Put it down!”. These clashes are often defused by convincing ourselves it’s ' just one cookie' and we’ll take the orange next time. We instinctively know what is good for our bodies and what is not. Each time we are about to take a bite from our plate, our brain sends energetic signals throughout the entire body proclaiming whether or not that food item is beneficial or detrimental. Not shockingly, fruits, vegetables, and nuts (unless you’re allergic) almost always resonate naturally with our biorhythms, thus creating calm-yet-powerful flows of energy and thought. Sugar-based items, however, wreak havoc, resulting in chaotic turmoil within our systems. In addition to our pr...